Preserving your Mind in the Age of Hyperstimuli

We are living through a pandemic of psychiatric illness—depression, ADHD, personality disorders, and resulting psychosocial carnage and suicide, are on the rise; directly linked to electronic devices and social media, the severity of symptoms is seen to increase in proportion to the amount of a person’s screen time.  These maladies have especially increased since the … Continue reading Preserving your Mind in the Age of Hyperstimuli

Academic Elitism, Working-Class Stress, Hope for the Future

New scientific research in the age of social media follows a pattern of rapid streamlining onto every major news source, where the headline presents the information in the most sensationalist, alarmist, or controversial framing they possibly can. Thus, the dilution of usually very complex, sometimes ambiguous, scientific research is used dishonestly, to further ideological prejudices … Continue reading Academic Elitism, Working-Class Stress, Hope for the Future